Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Galimore Beach Trip

In June 09 Eg and G took Daddy, Mommie, Hynnee, Uncle Jay, Huddy,
and Bear Bear to Aunt Grace and Uncle Cliffs beach house. We could
not have asked for better weather or a more gorgeous place to stay. I
had to make sure my hands were clean at all times because I loved
looking out the many windows and climbing on all the white furniture!

I loved playing in the sand, but I hated not being able to
wash them off afterwards.

Huddy and I enjoyed G taking us out in the boat (which took EG
two days to blow up mouth) When I was tired of my hat I
I borrowed EG's.

I was so glad to have my new shark life vest. By the second day, I
was swimming in the pool by myself..with the vest on ..of course!

Eg had to leave the pool area when I went down the water slide...
She is a little bit of a worry wart!

While out for dinner, at the Oyster House, Huddy wanted to be
just like his Uncle Brad. Look at the way they are standing.

One last walk on the beach with my wonderful cousins!

Thank you EG and G for such a great beach trip! I love you
to the moon and back!

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